Getting the Invitation I was some what apprehensive yet existed to get out of Wolcott. My winters seemed to be a time to slow down, a time to Hibernate hence my user name on The Grizzly Adams was finding a new appreciation in the Off Season. Thank God my trade in Construction gave me a physical edge because I was going to need it. The moon lit trip started in some what mild temps and no snow. Even as we (Joe, Seth & Jessica Burgess) began to enter the ADK area with a Full moon on our backs the snow was few and far between. A silhouette of Mountains slowly arose out of the ground, amazed to the point were I had stuck my head out the window and rubbed the eyes to make sure I was really seeing this. I couldn't stop looking up. Through the Beautiful Town of Lake Placid we soon arrived at the Cabin. South Meadow Farms is a quaint and peaceful place, perfect starting point for the Hike ahead.

The Trail head is located at The High Peaks Information Center (Adirondack Loj). Thanks to Seth's membership to The Adirondack Mountain Club parking was cheap and easy. After arriving we geared up, my Rented Snow Shoes were a must although at Sign In snow was minimal. That would soon change for the better. One mile in at the fork bearing left will take you to Marcy Dam and the continuation of the Van Hoevenberg trail to Phelps Mt., Tabletop Mt. and Mt. Marcy. We continued straight ahead and followed the trail signs to Algonquin Peak. A little over 3 miles and 2,936 vertical ft to go! In being a High peak virgin I had some unique circumstances in the shoe department. When it came time to break out the snow shoes Winter was finally upon us. A far cry from the day before, entering the Alpine Zone felt like being warped to the slopes of another world.
While only a few hundred feet from the summit progress was slow. The 50+ mph winds really opened my eyes to the extreme conditions possible. Without good snow shoes or crampons you would have to be a fool to continue. Taking cover behind anything you could find groups grabbing a quick snack and gaining strength. The closest to flying that I can imagine is still my First peak. Algonquin is a memory truly branded on the brain, that view pulls the soul and fuels the goal.
I wondered where that Grizzly Adams name came from! Quite fitting, actually.
I seem to remember a TV show by that name---although it wasn't one that I watched!
I've looked it up on YouTube before. It seems all folks recall about that show is the "Grizzly Adams" beard...
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